Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Once Upon a Time....

...I had a picture perfect life.  A life I had dreamed of all my days in my childhood.  All the days of my young adult life and of my not so young life.

A marriage I loved, a house I made into an amazing comfortable home, and one and then two children.

Once upon a long ago.

And I miss it more than I can say.

It was snatched away in the blink of an eye, in the beat of a heart, with just two innocent sounding words if they were said in their own but together?  Together it shattered everything.

Since then it seems I have made one wrong move after the other after the other after the other.

I'm not sure I will ever get it right.

Is it karma?  What is it?  What did I do to go from the family and life I always dreamed of to........well.....this.

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